Monday, March 1, 2010

Sweet Home Alabama!

Hello Ladies and Gent's!

My trip to Alabama was awesome! My brother and I decided to drive from Missouri and spend some quality brother time. It's not everyday you drive through Green Frog, TN and experience getting stopped by an Alabama policeman. Ouch! Fortunately we were told just to slow down a bit and we escaped getting an out-of-state ticket. Whew!

Hows this for some positive mojo...not only did we get out of a ticket, the run was on Valentines Day! February 14th right? The hotel room we stayed in was number 214 and my split time on the half marathon guess it; 2:14. I had the best marathon time that I ever had scoring a new PR of 4:42! It was very surreal. Never used that word before, but now I think it is appropriate. I was starting the race and "Sweet Home Alabama" was playing on my iPod. I couldn't of written the script any better.

I am off to Albany, GA this weekend with my brother Kyle. Wish me luck as I prepare to complete my 18th marathon in my 17th state! Got some new sneaks and I am very excited to see if they make me any faster!

Keep running and keep smiling!

Catch me if you can!

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