Wednesday, June 9, 2010

And Then There Were Two....

Hello Everyone.

It has been too long since I have reported in! Many events have occurred and one recent event that I needed to share. I could use everyone’s prayers.

My son Trent awoke the other night at 2:30am. He had apparently been wetting the bed for awhile unbeknownced to me. I knew because of my own diagnosis and also because of the speaking I had recently done for the JDRF that wetting the bed is one of the main symptoms for children who are diagnosed with diabetes especially for a little boy who is 9 years old. I didn't think twice and went to my son’s bedside with my glucose monitor in hand. Hoping, praying and trying to convince myself that this couldn't’t be. That my precious little boy could not have this dreadful chronic disease that I have lived the last 8 years with. I took his finger gently in my hand and checked his blood sugar. Waiting what seemed like hours; when only it was seconds, for the results. The monitor read: 375! The unthinkable had just become a reality before our very eyes. My son Trent has type 1 diabetes. After a trip to St. Louis Children’s Hospital the diagnosis was confirmed. Trent had to spend a day in a half at the hospital and now will take on a challenge of a lifetime as he manages this disease throughout his entire life. Insulin shots, finger pricks, watching of diet, managing high and low blood sugar have already become part of an everyday regime. When anyone of us faces a challenge in our lives as this we wonder how the Lord could allow this to happen. I guess the first thing we must realize is that it is not in God’s hands but is part of life and the hurdles that come along with it. It is up to us to make the smart choices on how we will deal with these hurdles and set a good example and perhaps even become better people because of the hurdles we now have to climb over to live every day. It is with this recent news that I write the following prayer…

Please God watch over my little boy Trent. Give him the strength to deal with this new hurdle, this new challenge in his life. Allow this to make him stronger, give him more character and be an inspiration to others who have challenges in their life. Help his Mom and me and his sister to understand what he is going through everyday and give us the patience to deal with him just being a little boy and not perfect. Please allow him a long life and a very fruitful one. A life filled with more happy than sad and more love than he could ever imagine. Allow others to be patient and understanding and also to learn from the example and the challenge that he has been dealt. Give me the energy and the time and the understanding to give him the best life possible. Please God watch over my little boy Trent.

Please keep us in your prayers!

I run for many reasons and now I will add one very important one to the list; I run for my son Trent!

Life deals us the unexpected; expect it. Do the best you can to make lemons into lemonade!

Come run with me,


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