Thursday, March 19, 2009

Resting for the next challenge!

Hello Everyone,

Four days post marathon and my legs are getting back to normal. It's amazing when you run 26 miles vs 20 miles the tole it takes on your body. Completely different. I guess that's why people hit the wall sometimes at mile 20. The additional 6 miles is a journey in and of itself. I have been doing my part in replentishing my body with some complex carbs such as potatoes and different energy drinks and energy bars. I have also managed to slip in a little ice cream! :)

My next marathon will be in Missoula Montana on July 12, 2009. I am really looking forward to this marathon because it is in such a beautiful part of the country. Perhaps I may be able to get in a little fly fishing while I am there. Experiencing different parts of the country and the people has been one of the exciting things about this 50 states journey. I am thrilled that I have many more places and people yet to experience.

I have been using Hal Higdon's Marathon Training Guide to train for each marathon. When I do multiple marathones I typically take a week to two off from running and do some weight training. I then start the 18 week marathon training schedule wherever I need to be to be on target with the program to finish it by the time of the marathon. I use the Intermediate 1 program and have been successful with doing the two 20 mile long runs in this program. The weekly mileage is certainly manageable with any job and the long runs just take some time management and some getting use to.

I have changed my philosphy for running. Instead of telling everyone I "have to run" xx miles everyday; I now say I "get to run" xx miles today. Not everyone can run. Some people are physically not capable. I am priviledged I have been given this gift and this ability. Thank God for this gift!!!

If you want to run faster, you need to run faster!!!

Have a superfantastic day!!!


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