Wednesday, April 1, 2009

It's great to be able to run!!

Hello Everyone,

I just found out that business may take me to Newport Beach, CA the first week in May. I scanned the marathons for this time frame and was pleasantly surprised to find out that the Avia OC Marathon will be taking place on May 3rd! How bout that! I can accomplish a Marathon in California and do some business at the same time. I am very excited. I understand that the weather there is absolutely beautiful. I am looking very forward to experiencing the marathon and also the gorgeous geography.

I am in the 15th week of Hal Higdon's Intermediate 1 training schedule. I am proud of myself that I have been very diligent about getting in the daily runs. This weekend I get to do a big one; 20 miles!!! After this one I will start to taper my distances and rest my legs getting ready for the marathon. I love having goals to shoot for. I am very motivated when I have a purpose and I get very excited when the end result is in sight and you can see the figurative "finish line."

Happy trails runners!


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