Monday, April 20, 2009

Keep your head held high!

Hello Everyone,

I hope this message finds everyone doing extraordinaire! I did a 12 mile run yesterday on a treadmill at the gym. Yes, on a treadmill! It was raining pretty heavy all day so I decided to get my run in indoors. Now for those of you who say you CAN'T run on a treadmill; here is my thoughts....If you can find a good treadmill at a gym, with a good television and people around you to help motivate you, who are also exercising; running on a treadmill is not so bad!!!

I just got off the phone with my Dad. My Uncle Otie just passed away. Uncle Otie is a great, great man!!!! He taught me many things, but the most important was the power of laughter. I never once saw Uncle Otie in a bad mood! He had many sayings that I will always remember. He used to say when we were driving and needing directions, "You can't go wrong, if you make a right." He also taught me this saying when someone asked what we were having for lunch; he would say; "we are having ham, ram, lamb, sheep, mutton, buffalo and bear meat." Uncle Otie's wife Tillie would say; "Otis why did you have so many drinks at the party?" Uncle Otie's response would be, "I only had one glass, the darn fools kept filling it up!" The power of laughter and the power of a smile. How wonderful it is!

Everyone has hurdles in their life. Take it from my Uncle Otie; keep your head held high and always keep laughing. When your time on this earth ends, not only will you have had a wonderful fulfilled life, but you will have left a smile on the many, many people who love you who are left behind!

Always keep smiling!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad to stay in the loop via your blog posts. Keep it up! :)
