Monday, April 6, 2009

Attitude is Everything! I can, I can, I can!!!

Hello fantastic people!

I completed my 20 mile run yesterday. Boy, it was a tough one! When I started it was raining and then the temperature dropped and the winds were at 20 mph. There were times I had to hold my hat from blowing off my head. I kept singing the song, "Running against the wind", in my mind. These long runs are the most challenging for me. I run by myself on a course by my house. I have a 5 mile course which in this case I ran 4 times. It is down a steep hill and up a steep hill. I keep telling myself that the hill is great training for any marathon I encounter. When I was running and the rain had stopped I looked up in the sky and told God thank you. He gave me sunshine and gave me this great ability to run. I could complain about how far I had to run but why? There are so many people that would love to be able to run but can't because of a disability. Today I feel great and a lot of it has to do with the accomplishment from the day before. I am thankful for what I am able to do. Running is not a privilege, it is a gift. Embrace it and let it be the inspiration that allows you to work harder, play more, love lots and live longer!

There is a quote my brother sent me from Charles Swindoll. I will share just a part of it. "I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you...we are in charge of our attitudes." So I will leave you with this until next time. Smile because you can, love because you can, get the most out of everyday...because you can!!!

Don't just dream it-Do it!


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