Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spring has Sprung...Time to get outdoors and enjoy!

Hello Everyone,

I just finished my 5 mile run today. What a beautiful day here in St. Louis. It's currently 55 degrees and the sun is shining. All the flowers and trees are blooming. A great day for a run!

Tomorrow I get to run 20 miles. This will be the only long run I will do before the marathon in California on May 3rd. In order for me to do these long runs I really have to psych myself up. Running 20 miles isn't easy and sometimes doing it all by yourself is challenging. I have a good friend who I admire who is a runner. When I ask, "how was your run", she always responds, "it was awesome!". She is truly an inspiration to me. She runs a lot faster so I train harder so one day I might beat her PR. :)

My brother and I like to take motivational quotes and use them periodically to remind us why we do what we do and also to keep us motivated when it feels like you're out there by yourself. I saw an adidas ad in Runners World today that read, "Because I don't have time for ordinary". This will go in our quotes that we use to stay jazzed about running and life in general. I run because it makes me feel great and because I can...

I have a softball game with my daughter today and soccer for my son. I love to watch them grow and sports is such an awesome way to see it happen in front of your very eyes as they progress throughout the years. Don't miss a second of your kids! They are completely innocent and easily one of Gods greatest gifts.

Enjoy the spring time everyone. Easter is right around the corner. A new beginning for us all!

Make everyday count!


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