Tuesday, May 5, 2009

California is great this time of year!

Hello everyone,

I am happy to report I successfully completed the Avia OC Marathon in New Port Beach, CA this past Sunday! The weather was absolutely beautiful. Approximate 68 degrees at the finish and not a cloud in site. How beautiful it was to run by the Ocean and have palm trees along the route. The course was mostly flat and had a lot of gorgeous scenery. I would recommend this race to anyone wanting to run a race in California. The snacks at the end were a little hurried and scarce but that is nit picking.

Every time I finish a marathon I remember how really tough it is to run 26.2 miles. It does take some training and I have NEVER over trained for a race. :) Mile 20 through 26 makes you reach down deep to places that you never thought you would go to make yourself endure the pain and never give up. How exhilarating it is when you cross that finish line!

I also wanted to mention the support I have behind the scenes. Without the words of encouragement from my friends and family I don't know how easy it would be to keep getting out there marathon after marathon. I would like to say thank you to all my family and friends for their e-mails, cards, care packages and words of encouragement that are the wind beneath my wings. This makes all the difference and continues to motivate me to keep running more marathons and setting new goals for myself. Thanks everyone!

The next marathon on the schedule is on July 12th in Montana. I hope to see some of you there.
Keep getting out there and feeling great about what your doing. For those of you who want to fit well into those swimsuits, there is no better way to lose weight!

Run til it's done!


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