Sunday, May 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Trent!

Hello Everyone,

I want to dedicate this blog to my son Trent. He is 9 years old today and what a wonderful little boy he is. I unfortunately am in a sales training class in California and unable to be with him today. I will call him 9 times today and wish him a Happy Birthday! Trent is one of the amazing people in my life who motivate me to run and to do many things. You will never find a more caring, compassionate, loving little boy. He is always the first person when we sit down at the dinner table to ask me how was my day. I am very hard on him and want him to have the perfect manners, be the most athletic, be a model citizen, best student and on and on. It's funny how we try to live our lives through our children and forget sometimes that they are just kids. They are human and are not perfect just like us. My son Trent is very smart. He gets all A's on his report card and tries hard at everything he does. I am very, very proud of him. I gave him a BB gun for his Birthday before I left for my trip. I told him to go get some of Daddy's bags out of the trunk and when he opened it up; there was the BB gun. The look on his face was worth millions! It's not about the BB gun or any money in the world. It's all about that precious smile!

We all try to teach our children as much as we possibly can. Sometimes we need to take a step back and realize how much we can learn from them. Their sincerity, their innocence, their patience, their love. Someone once told me to lead by example and say very little at all. Be a good person and live a good life and your children will grow up just fine. Give them all the love you can and if your lucky when you get older, they will give it back to you ten fold.

I just finished a 6 mile run today and really wish I was with my son. Don't ever take your children for granted; they are the best gift that God has given you!

Happy Birthday Trent! Thank you for loving me unconditionally and being my inspiration!

Love Daddy

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