Thursday, May 28, 2009

Give it everything you got!

Hello Sports fans,

I don't know if your watching your favorite baseball team these days are rooting for the Cavs or the Nuggets in the NBA Playoffs? Whatever is your sport or favorite past time, I hope you are enjoying your summer. Everyday we are faced with hurdles and obstacles and how we deal with them will determine in the end how we lived our life. I recently read a quote from Zig Ziglar that said, " Someone once told me that motivation does not last. His response; neither does a shower; that's why we need to do it everyday!" Some days we don't want to strap on those tennis shoes and get out there and run, but when we do, we feel great when we are finished. There is a very small difference between good and great. We just need to keep a positive attitude and do just a little more each day. That little bit more over a lifetime will make a difference whether we live an average or above average life in the end. I am a firm believer that working hard and smart and giving it all you got everyday will pay huge dividends. We can never take any day back, so why not give it our all every single day. We each face huge hurdles in our life and we need to be reminded that we are not supermen or women but give it our all and that's all anyone can ask for. What do you want out of life? Can you really have it all? I guess every one's pot of gold is different at the end of the rainbow. To love and be loved is all we can really ask for. The money, the things, the places we travel are all just icing on the cake. Whoever said what you sew is what you reap was a wise, wise person. Life is tough, get the most out of it. Love lots, care for the ones who are special in your life and don't be afraid to take chances! Give life everything you got!


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