Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Little Each Day! Life is truly a Marathon!!!

Hello Folks,

I am getting ready to run the Montana Marathon in less than 6 weeks. Today I ran 5miles and I have a few more small runs this week and a whopping 20 miler this weekend! A long time ago a friend told me that life is a marathon. I didn't know quite what it meant because maybe I was to young to understand. Everyday we are faced with challenges and opportunities. To give that extra smile, to make that extra phone call, spend that extra 15 minutes with our children and to make that extra sales call that will propel us ahead of the pack. We certainly can't do everything we want in one day. Even though we have great intentions, we cannot do all the goodness we want to do in one day. We cannot kiss our children as much as we want in one day and we cannot sell as much as we want in a lifetime in one day. Life is a marathon. We must do the necessary things every single day and then choose to do a little extra every day to make us feel good about what we have accomplished. Don't try to do it all in one day, but keep putting one foot in front of the other day after day and at the end of your life you will have run that incredible marathon called "your life".

My grandmother is turning 90 years old this weekend. She is one of the sharpest, funniest, kindest, religious and energetic people I know. She also in my opinion makes the world best red velvet cake!!! She drives her car to church, bingo, quilting and visits many friends and relatives. She once told me it is sad to see all your friends pass and sometime she wonders why she has been so lucky to live so long. She is a great person and has lived a good life and cares about people more than anyone I know. It is Gods blessing to the world to keep my grandma here for us all to learn from. My grandma has run a great life long marathon. She has figured it out more than most. It's not what you do just in one day, it is a compilation of the good things that you do each and everyday. Happy 90th Birthday Grandma! You are our hero! There isn't a medal for grandma's but my Grandma Arnold sure deserves one!!!

Run your life marathon! Make each step count and never give up!!!


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