Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tortoise Or Hare; Winning is in the eye of the beholder!

Hello Friends!,

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer. St. Louis has been a real pressure cooker recently but we are down in the 80's this week and the weather has been beautiful. Enjoy the outdoors; it is one of the greatest gifts God has bestowed upon us!

I am 12 days out from the Montana Marathon and getting very excited about visiting this beautiful state. It is one of the few states in North America that I haven't yet visited. I won't be able to stay long, but will try to soak up all that it has to offer in the time I am there.

Today I did a 5 mile run. No frills, just me, my sneakers and the great outdoors. While I was running I saw a turtle just starting to cross the highway. This is a 4 lane road and gets quite a bit of traffic. Part of me wanted to pick the turtle up and point him back towards the woods, but I left him do what he was intending to do. I thought to myself that he will probably never make it across the road. A lot went through my mind as I thought about that turtle as I continued to run. The turtle was going as fast as he could because he was for whatever reason determined to get to the other side. I don't know how smart turtles are; maybe he just didn't know any better. There he was; moving as fast as he could and I was hoping he would not get squished as he crossed the 4 lane highway. About a dozen cars went by as I continued on my run. On my lap back I looked for the turtle with anxiety that he would not be smashed on the road. To my delight there was no smashed turtle. He had made it to the other side. He had made it to his finish line! I thought to myself as I finished my run how many types of runners there are; some very fast, some very slow. Some turtles, some rabbits. Those of us who do not win races, medals, ribbons or who do not get recognized as elite athletes are still winners! We run the race, give it everything we got and cross that finish line! That turtle; no matter how slow, was determined to get to the other side. With a little luck, determination and persistence; he accomplished his goal. God watched out for him and made his journey a successful one.

Never give up! Run your own race and be very proud of yourself that you are doing what ever exercise it is that you do. Self discipline is the biggest factor of what turns ordinary people into extraordinary people. Do what you need to do. Even when you don't want to do it; do it anyway. Whether the tortoise or the hare, be very proud of your accomplishments. Getting to the finish line makes you a true hero; It doesn't matter how or when you arrive, just get there!!!

Live and Love with all your heart and never look back!!


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