Monday, June 8, 2009

Happy Birthday to my little girl Katie!

Hello Friends and Family,

June 6th was my daughter Katie's Birthday. We had a great celebration at my Aunt Mary and Uncle Glenn's House. I unfortunately got there late because of a training course I was doing for my job. My Uncle has an awesome swimming pool and a stone 15 person hot tub that make a party into a GREAT PARTY!!! I know the kids certainly enjoyed all the amenities!

My daughter Katie shared her birthday with Grandma Arnold who was celebrating her 90th Birthday that day. We had all the food, beverages and desserts that you could ever imagine. No one left hungry or thirsty at all!!!

My little girl turned 11 years old. I can't believe how tall she is getting and she gets prettier every day! She just got a new haircut with bangs and now she is even more of a big girl. :) Katie's gets all A's in school and studies harder than anyone I know. She works hard to be the very best. She is an incredible piano player and you should see her on the basketball court. She is one of the smallest girls and can take the ball away from any girl on the other team. She is a tiger on the court and leaves everyone in the stands with their mouth open of how tough a little girl she really is. I couldn't ask for a more wonderful little girl. I am so very proud of her and how she conducts herself with her friends and her elders. I love to watch her tell stories with not only her voice, but her hands. I guess the thing that I love the most is when she comes into my office at home and sits on my lap to tell me what's going on in her day. She will always be my little girl no matter how old she gets. I hope I can always be the best Daddy possible for her. She deserves the very best! I love you Katie, I hope you had an awesome birthday!!! Always remember you can tell me anything and ask me anything! I am your Daddy and I love you with all my heart!!!

Love Daddy

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