Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Always remember the 5 P's....Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance!!!

Happy Summertime Everyone!

I have 3 weeks before my marathon in Montana. I am very excited to enjoy this beautiful state and all it has to offer. Perhaps I will get some mountain biking or some fishing in while I am there!

This past Sunday I completed my 20 mile run. My last long run before the race. Yeeha! The weather was going to be hot so I new I had to start early. There were heat warnings for the day and the temperature predicted was in the high 90's. I rose at 3:30am and was out the door at 4:30. I do a 5 mile loop out and back to my house so that I can replenish my water, power gel and bananas. I prepare 1 water bottle for ever 5 miles. I also have a couple Tylenol handy just in case. Sometimes my old bones get stiff after 4 hours of running. :). I enjoyed my run and although it was tough to pull myself out of bed I was glad I got up early to beat the heat. I had 10 miles in before the sun came up and when it came up it was very proud to be out and showed all of it's glory. I remember from my reading that it is so very important to keep hydrated in a long run and especially a long run with the temperature in the 80's. "Drink early and drink often." Even when your not thirsty it is good to consume some water. I try to take a drink from my water bottle ever mile whether I think I need it or not. I have been told that if you really start to get thirsty then it is to late and dehydration is right around the corner. My sister Kay ran in the heat several years ago and did not properly hydrate. Before she finished her run she was throwing up and found herself in the hospital getting fluids intravenously. Be careful out there!!! When the weather gets in the high 70's and above you are losing an enormous amount of water. After 5 miles I look as though someone has poured a 5-gallon bucket of water on me. You need to drink a lot of water the day before, during the run and after the run. 160z every 5 miles has worked for me over the years. Know your body and how much you perspire and hydrate accordingly.

For all you marathon runners who have races coming up remember to start preparing at least 2 days before the race. This means relax, hydrate, carb-up and have your gear ready to go. Running is not complex. Who am I kidding...Would I be doing it...:) I will say that any little tip or trick you can pick up along the way will help get you to that finish line without any hiccups along the way. Plan, be smart and you will have an awesome experience!!!

Don't just dream it, Do it!!!


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