Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thank God for kids!

Happy 4th of July Everyone! Three cheers for the red, white and blue! Fireworks, barbecue, boating, swimming, picnics and vacation!! Fun, fun, fun!! What if we all took a little bit of the red, white and blue and what it signifies and used it in our everyday life? White-signifies purity and innocence, Red-hardiness & valour, and Blue -signifies vigilance, perseverance and justice. I don't know about anyone else...but I could certainly use a shot of red, white and blue in my life!!!

Someone reminded me the other day that we really only have about 17 years with our children and then they are off to college; out of the nest and starting down the road to their own life. Seems like a lot maybe, but then it seems like, not so much. My children or 9 and 11. That means I have 8 and 6 more years respectively. Like I was saying...not so much.

We all get caught up in our busy lives with work, travel and our own hobbies. Just remember those little snaggletooths at home and how much we mean to them and how precious the time is that we spend with them. Teach them everything we can, love them and take precious care of them and love them some more. There is an old Oak Ridge Boys Song "Thank God for Kids". If you have never heard it, listen to the words. It will make you hold your children tight and thank God for this wonderful blessing in your life. One of the lines in the song is this; "when I look down in those trusted eyes that look to me, I realize, its love that you can't buy...Thank God for kids." Remember the greatest gifts we can give to our children are time and love.

The next time you go for a run, or before or after your run; think about going for a short jog with your kids. Perhaps making a commitment to play with them each day for as much time as you spend running. They love you and support you when you run; make sure you do the same for them!!!

Get what you want out of life. You may have some tough challenges and decisions along the way, but be true to your heart and it will lead you down the right path.

Pop, bang, sizzle....Have fun with those fireworks!!!


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