Monday, July 13, 2009

Never pass up an opportunity to be great!!!

Hello Runners, Friends, Family and All Star Fans!!!

Yesterday I completed my 10th marathon and my 9th state that I have run a marathon in. It is awesome to have hit double digits with marathons I have run! Missoula Montana puts on an awesome marathon. For those of you considering a great place to travel and a marathon well done; this is a great one to put on your list. From the moment I arrived, Missoula offers a lot to the average visitor. The airport was only 2 minutes away from my hotel. The hotel offers 24/7 shuttle service which I utilized several times during my trip. I would like to say a big THANK YOU to the folks at the Hawthorn Inn. Not only were they very nice and cordial, but anything you asked for it was delivered in a matter of minutes. The day of the race my brother and I left the hotel at 4:15am. The hotel had put together a bag with a bagel, yogurt, apple and orange juice for us to take with us. For those of you who don’t travel much, most hotels if you are not up before breakfast is served, you just simply miss breakfast. The Hawthorn definitely gets a 5 star for customer service! The temperature at the start of the race was around 55° F. Perfect for the start of a marathon. The course was very flat with the exception of one monster hill around mile 11. It could have been classified as a small mountain. Once we were able to master the mountain it was a battle of endurance to the finish. My brother and I were suppose to start the race together but do to a bathroom break I had to take I had forgotten to turn on my GPS watch. The gun went off and I stayed behind the start line for the satellite to load on my watch. My brother took off and thought I was seconds behind him. I only started the race a minute and half later. I caught up with my brother Kyle about mile 2 and ran with him until about mile 5. He then started running faster and I didn’t see him again until mile 22. He was about 100 yards in front of me. I knew if I kept him in my sites and did not fall more than 100yds behind, that I would beat his time because of my delayed start. Kyle unfortunately did not factor my late start in because unbeknownst to him I had waited over a minute to start the race. Kyle tried to keep me at bay and I did my very best to push myself although fatigue was setting in at an enormous level. I sprinted the last 100 yards and was only about 25 yards behind my brother when I crossed the finish line. I knew I had beaten his time. A few minutes later he was talking about how he was able to beat me in this race. I let him know about my late start and then the shock set in right then and there that I had beat him by approximately 1 minute. He couldn’t believe it. It was most definitely a, “you could have heard a pin drop” moment!! I am not very fast or do not ever brag about beating someone in a race. On this day, it was okay because it was my younger brother and I had just out foxed him in this 26.2 challenge of endurance! I love you bro! I smoked you, but I love ya!

Remember everyday to thank the people for the little things in your life. I thanked the race organizers, the hotel staff and the shuttle driver. Just giving your kids a call when you are away is an opportunity for you to do something great. It is not the “great” that you may think of, but it is the “great “ that allows you the opportunity to do something that is right there in front of you, and you just have to put forth that little effort to make a difference in someone’s life. Don’t pass up an opportunity to tell someone you love that you love them. Don’t pass up an opportunity to say thanks, hold a door open or make someone smile who might be having a rough day.

Good luck to the National League tomorrow in the All Star Game! Go Albert Puhols! You are an ambassador of good will and a wonderful role model for millions of children watching.

Go after the things you want in life no matter what it takes!! Make good choices, don’t be afraid of a challenge or obstacles in your way and love with all your heart!

After being in Montana for the weekend, I think it’s only appropriate that I use one of my old sayings….If you’re gonna be bear…Be a GRIZZLY!!!!


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