Monday, July 6, 2009

Sandbox Wisdom; fun, refreshing , and possibly life changing!

Hello family friends and fellow marathoners!!!

I am only six days away from my Montana Marathon and getting very excited! Just the thought of beating my brother in another race puts a big smile on my face. :) I will be preparing this week to go 26 miles and 385 yards! I have always known to hydrate, eat the appropriate amounts of carbohydrates and protein, but I have never known much about iron. Iron is necessary for producing hemoglobin in your red blood cells. This gives your muscles energy and allows you to perform aerobically. This is very important for running performance. Many athletes over the years have given themselves iron by illegal means to enhance performance. For you and I the best means of getting the appropriate iron is to eat the following foods: Liver, lean meat, oysters, egg yolk, ,dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, dried fruit and whole-grained or enriched cereals and bread. Drink the right amount of fluids and eat the appropriate foods and you will go the distance in style!!! Train hard to go long!!!

I was very fortunate to be able to spend a lot of time with my children this weekend. My son wants to own several video stores and my daughter want to be a fashion designer. I love listening to them dream!!! As children we believe we can do anything. Become the president or own a yacht one day! Sometimes as adults we put fences around our dreams. If we can only take a little bit of our children's creativity and imagination and use it to help us live our dreams, how wonderful life will be! Dream your dreams and most important; live your dreams. Take risk and dare to be different. Hard work and sacrifice may be needed to live your dreams but never give up and never stop dreaming!!! You may win and you may lose; but if you never fail you will not succeed!!! Zig Zigler once said, "The difference between a big shot and a little shot is this...A big shot is a little shot who never stopped shootin!!!".

Remember when you put that first foot on the floor in the morning to thank God for the opportunity to enjoy a wonderful day!!!

The one who runs the fastest finishes first...


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