Thursday, July 16, 2009

Did you let out the Monster today?!!!


I have dove back into my training and have only 5 weeks before the Mesa Falls Marathon in Ashton, IA. I have never done two marathons this close together so I am anxious to see how my body will perform! This past Sunday I ran Missoula, MT and by Wednesday this week I started out with 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer and 30 minutes of weight lifting. Today I put in a 3 mile run. I truly miss when I go several days without running. Exercise in general for most people gives us a great feeling of accomplishment and provides us with some extra energy along the way. My kids have a saying that they use when I run marathon's. They tell me when I get close to the finish line that I should, "Let the Monster out." They have seen me grit my teeth, clutch my fist and turn up the speed when I get close to the finish. They say I look like a monster coming across the finish line. The "letting out the monster" gives me that extra boost sometimes I need to cross the finish and perhaps pass a few runners who I have been behind the whole race! Everyday we get up, get dressed, eat breakfast, go to our jobs, come home, eat dinner, go to bed. I don't want to sound mundane, but we can let life become that way if we don't go after what we want ever day with passion and zest!!! My brother says to do something everyday that scares you. You know you are being challenged and taking risk if you do things that scare you. This is also how I found to build character and gain experience. If you do something you are scared to do, but you do it anyway and accomplish the tasks successfully; you have gain experience and more often then not, some character along the way. Make sure you are getting the most out of every day! The compilation of all the days end up to be....guess what? Your life!!! Get the most out of it!! Make sure sometime during the day you "Let out the Monster!" You want to get the most out of your day and certainly in the end the most out of your life!!!!

Love, trust, forgive and live!!!


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