Friday, July 17, 2009

Soar Like An Eagle!!!

Hello Everyone!

I am hopeful everyone is getting the most out of your summer! Whether it is swimming, white-water rafting, travelling, going to the zoo, visiting your relatives or just relaxing and enjoying your family; I want you to enjoy every ounce of your summer!!!!

I have a 5 mile run to put in today and I am excited about a new running group that I will join tomorrow for a 5 mile run. They meet every Saturday and run between 5 and 10 miles and then go to the local St. Louis Bread Company for some carbs and drinks. I am looking forward to this new adventure. I have usually ran alone, but joining a group can help motivate you to run, can increase your pace time and can also introduce you to people just like you who love to run!!!

I have recently read something that I found very inspirational. It is an explanation of how a mother eagle must have the courage to push her infants out of the nest to learn how to fly. This excerpt from a book I read can be interpreted many ways and motivate you to do different things. A quote from David McNally in the book called, "The Push"..."Until they learned how to soar they would fail to understand the privilege it was to have been born and eagle." Everyday day most of us are very fortunate to wake up with health, energy and God-given talent. We are privileged that we have all these glorious things the Lord has given us. It is up to us to use these talents to make our families, children, careers and our relationships flourish! Let us all try to remind ourselves everyday that we have the ability to SOAR!!! We all will face adversity in our lives. It's not a matter of if, but when. Reach down deep in to your soul and know that it will be scary, frightening and even very difficult. Know you have been born an "eagle" and you do have the ability and the right to SOAR!

David McNally writes, "Why does the thrill of soaring have to begin with the fear of falling?" Excellence comes with risk, caring, dreaming and expecting more than others think is wise. Today is your day!!! Know that you have the ability, the heart and the determination to live an extraordinary life!

I pray that all of you soar like an eagle!!!


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