Sunday, July 19, 2009

Having it All!!!

Hello Sports fans!!!

This weekend has been baseball Rama!!! My Son Trent who is 9 years old was in a baseball tournament this past week and past weekend. He played 2 games on Saturday and one game today on Sunday. Trent is an average baseball player and because he is smaller than most of the boys on his team, sometimes struggles more than others. Saturday at the game when the boys had to take to the field, Trent was the chosen one that had to sit on the bench. I saw him sitting there in the middle of the bench all by himself. It brought back memories; not so pleasant ones, when I had to sit on the bench. A lot of things go through your mind when your sitting there and you feel like all eyes are on you and thinking why you aren't worthy of being on the field. I got out of the bleachers and went down to take a seat next to my son. Don’t get me wrong, this wasn’t an act of heroism on my part; I was just feeling bad for my son. I starting talking to Trent about the game and trying my best to be as fun as possible and take his mind off of any bad feelings he might be having. Then we sat for several minutes just watching the game. In a moment of silence, my son put his arm around my shoulder and just sat there saying nothing. I could have almost cried. He was telling me so much without saying a word. Whether it was thank you, I love you, I appreciate you being here; it didn’t matter, because I was trying to cheer up my son and he just had made me the happiest Dad in the world!!!!

Today at church Trent was sitting next to me. I have been having some obstacles in my life and have to admit maybe I wasn’t the most chipper I have been in quite some time. During a pause in the priest sermon, Trent put his had on my lap and looked up at me and said, “Anything the matter Dad?” In is own special way he was asking me what was wrong? I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze and told him that everything was just fine. Isn’t it amazing how hard we work to teach our children everything we know and sometimes are very critical of them every time they make a mistake? It was on this weekend that I have come to realize from my son Trent, how much I can learn from him. He is one of the most loving, caring and trusting individuals I have ever met. He wants my love so much and gives me a lot more than sometimes I deserve. As I reflect on these special moments this weekend I have come to realize that I really have it all. If you have children who love you, care for you and teach you; you really do have it all!!!

I did an 8 mile run today that I felt really good about. I am getting excited already for my Idaho race in 4 weeks! My brother reminded me today how lucky we are to have the health and ability to run. There are so many people who are less fortunate in this world, we all need to wake up everyday and be so thankful for all the gifts in our life!

Keep giving and you will receive more than you have every dreamed!!!

The one who runs the fastest finishes first!


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