Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Zig Ziglar once said, "You will get what you want in life, if you help enough people get what they want!!!"

Hello Guys and Gals!!!

I wanted to share something with you that my daughter Katie has had hanging on our refrigerator since the end of school. Call me Mr. Observant, but today was the first day I took time to stop an read it. There was a picture of a boomerang. Inside of this colorful boomerang she had drawn, written were the words: trust, listening, honest, truthful, being kind to others and obey. Her teacher had written at the bottom of the picture, "You have been an inspiration for our class this year! You are a joy to have in class!" Signed Miss Mitchell. The little things in life that make such a big difference...If all of us were to take these attributes and use them everyday, how wonderful the world would be. The point of the boomer rang, if not obvious, was if we treat others this way, these wonderful things will come back to us from other people. It is true that sometimes we treat others nicely and we get treated badly in return. We learn by our mistakes and these individuals unfortunately end up not being our friends or people we aspire to be like as we grow up and move on in our lives. That doesn't mean for one second we should stop being who we are. We should continue to love, trust, listen, be honest, be kind and be truthful in what we say and do everyday. This makes us a person we can be proud to be and others will be proud of as well. We all must develop these good habits. I would be the first to admit that I could use some work on developing my good habits. Habits have a way of taking control of our lives and we start doing them without ever thinking. That's why it is so important to develop good habits and it takes an even extra effort sometimes to break bad habits.

I want to thank my daughter Katie for her picture she left on the refrigerator and the inspiration. Something so small that means so much!!!

Continue to give to others and expect nothing in return. When you least expect it someone will give back to you when you need it the most!!!

Don't stop loving! Even if your heart gets broke. Like the ole' saying goes....If at first you don't succeed, try try again!!!

Run often, run hard and run with purpose!!!


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