Sunday, July 26, 2009

What makes you do the things you do?!?!?!

Hello Folks,

What makes you smile? What makes you walk faster some days compared to others? What makes you put your hands over your head when you dance? What makes you hold the door open for a complete stranger? What makes you get out of bed early for no reason other than to get the most out of your day? What makes you want to do a cannon ball when you first get to the swimming pool! What makes you want to say; "Will you marry me?" We all have passion, some of us wear it on our sleeve, some of us are afraid to show it and some of us just keep it suppressed and are afraid to let it come out. Live your life with passion!!!! We all are getting older and one day the man upstairs will call us to be with him. We don't know when that day is so we must live the life we want and get the most out of it!!! Don't be afraid to go after what you want; you just might surprise yourself. Be true to yourself and be true to others and I am confident you will live a fruitful life!

I ran 11 miles this morning. I am not a fast runner and I averaged a 10 minute mile for 11 miles. I felt good about my run. I ate a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast and ended up eating 2 powergel packs to keep my blood sugar up to where I needed it to be. I finish my run with a 148 blood sugar! That was just super-fantastic for me!! When I got back to my house both of my kids were still sleeping. I ate some yogurt and a granola bar and took a shower and got ready for church. Yes, my kids were still sleeping.... I just have to smile because I remember the days when I was young and could sleep until 11 o'clock am. Soon will be the day when I recruit my daughter to run with me. For now, I will let her sleep and grow....

I just made my reservation last week for my upcoming run in Idaho. The race will take place in a small town called Ashton. The only place left to stay was a cabin at the Squirrel Creek Inn! STOP THE MADNESS!!! I asked if there was air conditioning and the answer was no. They did tell me that I could open the windows for some fresh air. :) I found another hotel about 15 minutes away that has a little more modern day conveniences. Trust me when I say I can rough it with the best of them but when I am needing my rest before and after a marathon, I will take all the luxury I can get!!! I know there are some fancy people out there that would concur that the Squirrel Creek Inn would not cut the mustard for a pre-race snooze! There will only be about 500 runners for this race. I love the small races. You get to know so many people who are there just to soak it all in. This will be a dramatic difference when I run Chicago in October with 40,000 people. Simply Amazing!

Enjoy today and look forward to tomorrow. If you love someone don't forget to tell them TODAY! Tomorrow is not soon enough and will be another opportunity to tell them AGAIN!!!

Put your hands in the air when you dance the next time. You may ask why, but it will make you smile!!!

Go make a difference in your life...You will be surprised how many people will benefit along the way!

Come run with me,

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