Monday, August 3, 2009

Keep trying even when it's not easy!!!

Good Day Everyone!

This morning I put in 12 miles. It was my intent to go 15 but I ran into some hurdles and decided to stop at 12 instead of perhaps over doing it and hurting myself in the long run. There are things that can certainly go wrong when you are out there running for several hours. Your body not only needs to be in shape from an endurance and physical standpoint; but the nutrition, hydration and food intake at appropriate times needs to all be in sync as well. I will not let this bump in the road discourage me, but get back on that horse on Wednesday and start running again. People sometimes ask why we do what we do when we take on extreme sports. Is it the way it makes us feel, the ability to fit into our favorite blue jeans, the ability to eat almost whatever we want? Maybe it's the thrill of pushing yourself to a point where you know most people have never gone. When we accomplish something great we have a feeling of confidence that allows us to achieve great things in all aspects of our life. We need to remember this: Whatever your extreme sport of choice is; it's not easy. Sometimes we fail, but we continue to try and in the end we will inevitably accomplish our goal. In life: sometimes we fail. It is equally if not more important to push on and make the decisions to accomplish our goals and live the life that we want. We must keep going even when it's not easy. Just because we make a mistake or stumble and fall, we must keep going and that's what it means to go from good to great. It's never giving up and pushing past our hurdles and our fears.

This weekend I observed my children Katie and Trent(11 and 9 years old) climbing rocks, going under water falls, kayaking, swimming, fishing and even playing checkers. It is simply amazing the energy children have and the zest they have for life when doing all these activities. They are not only learning a lot about these sports, but they are learning how to help each other, work through difficult times, overcome their fears, push themselves when they didn't think they couldn't and building character along the way. They are a joy to watch and they give me inspiration and motivation to want to live until I am 100 so that I can be there by their side and share all of life's experiences with them.

Life is tough, get a helmet! Don't give up even when it becomes challenging! Go after what you want and go after it NOW!!!

Make somebody smile today!


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