Monday, August 31, 2009

Don't raise the bar, BE the bar!!!

Happy Monday Everyone!!!

I started my day out early. I was up at 4:30am and put in a 5 mile run. I took a week off because of a pulled muscle in my back but I am feeling much better. I am 4 weeks out from the Omaha Marathon and I am looking very forward to another run! I have met such wonderful people on my travels and now I am starting to see many of the same runners that show up at each of these events. I have found that I am not the only crazy one out there who is trying to accomplish a marathon in all 50 states!!!

On Saturday I bought my daughter Katie a new bike. No special occasion, she just had out grown her other bike and it was time for a big girl bike. A 16" bike. I can't believe she is 11 years old and getting so tall. The smile on her face as we walked out of the bike store was all that was needed to let me know I had done the right thing. She thanked me about 10 times before we got home. That night St. Louis was having their Moon Light Ramble. A 7 mile bike ride through the streets of downtown St. Louis that started at midnight. What better way to celebrate her new bike and to break it in then to participate in the Moon Light Ramble! My wife, Katie and my son Trent and I headed downtown at 9:30pm to take part in the festivities centered around the MR. There was free food, drinks and of course we had to get the T-shirt!!!
There were 11,000 bike riders that participated in the event. Riders of all ages. The lady who started the race shouted over a megaphone....LET'S GET READY TO RAMBLE!!!! We were off! 11,000 bike riders headed through the streets of St. Louis. My kids are very good bike riders but I was still a little nervous because of all the bikes. I had instructed them to keep their bikes in a straight path and not swerve back and forth. With that many bikes it could be dangerous. My kids were champs! They made it all 7 miles with no mishaps. We did witness several accidents of people bumping into each other and also a few crashes because of people going to fast. We were very blessed we finished unscathed. I am so proud of Katie and Trent. They went the distance and rode like real pros!!! We got home at 3:30am in the morning. After carrying the kids to bed I think I fell asleep before my head hit the pillow. A long day but a very fulfilling day!

The Cardinals are doing great! They swept the Nationals this weekend and the Cubbies are 10 games back. St. Louis fans are gearing up for some playoff baseball! HERE WE GO CARDINALS, HERE WE GO!!! BOMP! BOMP!

I recently had a friend remind me to live by a high standard. We sometimes get caught up in what other people do and think that we should live our life the same. I believe if you want more, than go after it! Achieve more! Don't be happy doing what everyone else does. Set the bar high for you, your children and the people you associate with.

Be true to yourself and be true to others.

Runnin' against the wind,


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