Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Idaho!!! Here we come!!!

Hello race fans!!!

3 days until I embark on another marathon in the beautiful city of Mesa Falls, ID!!! I am looking very forward to this race and have heard alot of great things about it. The scenery alone will be breath-taking and with such a small number of participants I'm sure it will be very fun. The people I meet during these events are what keeps me coming back and keeps me motivated. I have a 3 mile run tonight and then I am finished until I hit the trail in Idaho. Maybe I will see a bear, a moose, a elk. Who knows, maybe I will make a new friend!

I am very happy to report that my son Trent is just great. All test came back negative and he has been given a clean bill of health. Can't put a price tag on something like this. A million mile smile says it all!!! My daughter Katie and son Trent started school today. They are in the 6th grade and 3rd grade respectively. Silly as it may be I almost cried watching them walk out the door this morining. They are getting so big and it won't be long before my daughter is off to high school. Can't believe it! I have to remind myself all the time to spend as much time with them as possible. They are really into their friends now but are not to big to sit on Daddy's lap and tell me how their day went. These are truly the most important things in ones life. The kids had only a half a day of school today and then it was off to a pool party and games at a friends house. My kids are so lucky to have so many great friends. I hope they will always cherish their friends and make them an important part of their life.

I will be in Idaho this weekend and then in Arkansas next week on business. I will be assisting a new representative with my company in her territory in Arkansas. I was there just a few short months ago and ran the Little Rock Marathon. The BIGGEST MEDAL that is given in the country! I once had a best friend from Arkansas. Isn't it sad how we meet people along life's journey who become our friends and acquaintances and before we know it they are just a mere memory. I guess that's why it is so important to make the very best out of each and everyday and take nothing for granted.

Carbing up this week and hydrating as well. Can't do much to prepare for the elevation in Idaho. Perhaps I should put my bed on some blocks and stand on a ladder the next few days when I am speaking! :)

I will report back when I have further details about Idaho. Until then I have one important message. Keep your friends and your love ones close to your heart. Good friends are hard to find and it certainly takes a friend to have one.

Run, Reach and Rave!!!


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