Thursday, August 20, 2009

Touch Someone Today!!!

Hello Boys and Girls of all ages!!!

I am pumped up for my trip tomorrow to the great state of Idaho! My family gave me a potato today with 26.2 miles and a heart written on it. Not everyday you get a potato as a present! :)

I received an awesome e-mail today from a gentlemen in Montana. His nurse had seen a news story about me on television several weeks ago and he wanted to tell me his story. He also is a type 1 diabetic and had a heart attack several years ago. As it turns out he is a marathon runner as well and his running saved his life because of how strong his heart really was from running and the additional vascular channels it had built because of all his training. I am so glad he reached out and shared his story. Touching peoples lives in a positive way is what life is all about. We all have obstacles, we all face hurdles and it is through the inspiration of others that we are able to continue on and sometimes achieve great things.

People ask me why I run? I do it for many reasons but if I can inspire one person to live a better life than it is all worth it. Last week I spoke with a church group. Many members had diabetes and were looking for motivation to help them manage their health and thus their lives a little better. I tell everyone that you don't need to run marathons to be healthy, but exercise as a daily routine is difficult and takes motivation and is a crucial element in managing diabetes. The ADA states if you can exercise for 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week and eat healthy and maintain a good weight that you can prevent type 2 diabetes. When I ask people if they would do this to prevent type 2 diabetes; guess what the answer always is? YES!!! Now we just have to discipline and motivate ourselves to go out there and do it!

Touch someones life in a positive manner today. If not today; definitely tomorrow. Life is short. Make it count. I have found that you can't take back bad choices so think about what you do before you do it. You may not know it, but you could affect or change someones life forever.

I read an article in the paper today. A woman was looking for her soul mate. She said that she had loved with all her heart someone who did not love her and she has dated someone who loved her with all of their heart in which she did not love. She has dated her best friend and someone who has treated her like she was an angel. Now she wants all of those things at the same time!!! She said she is in no hurry because it is in the Lords hands. When I read this I couldn't help but pray that we all have this come true in our lives!!!!

From one potato head to another...tell the people you love that you love them. Some of us may think that we say "I love you and it becomes a habit." If we could only form more habits like this the world would be a much much better place. :)

Come run with me,


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