Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Equip Your Mind!

Good Day Ladies and Gents,

How is it that some people can do the things that they do? How does a CEO get to be CEO? How does a boy from New York who was told by his high school guidance counselor to drop out of school because of his grades, grow up to be Jay Leno? Then let's look on the other hand...How does a bank robber become a bank robber? How does someone you love hurt you worse than you can ever imagine? How does a gang member shoot an innocent victim? The answer...it is by influences. Good influences, bad influences and equipping your mind with the necessary tools to make the right decision or the wrong decisions as the case may be. I once had a hat that read; "No Fear", "Equip your mind." I really didn't understand the full extent of what was the meaning behind this phrase. If we want to be successful; really successful, we must equip our minds with the right tools, get the book, the movie, whatever it takes to get it done. Equip your mind or unequip your mind; whatever the case may be. I had a dream or an epiphany if you will; how do people do what they do? At some point in our life we all have to decide what it is we want and then go after it. Life is short. Chances are you are not going to win the lottery or your psychiatrist is not going to give you that magic pill or formula, so you need to get up on your own 2 feet and make it happen now! It is all you!!! Once you decide what you want to do and what you are good at, then you need to become a master at your craft like Jay Leno has. Spend as much time you can becoming the expert in your field. After that the secret lies in sharing that craft with the world. Don't be afraid to share the gift God gave to you with the masses. Zig Ziglar once said that you will get what you want in life if you help enough people get what they want. Jay Leno found that people wanted to laugh and get life's stress' off their mind. He shares his craft with the world and in return he has become one of the most successful entertainers in the world! He has become a master of his craft and still works harder than anyone to improve and continually find avenues to share with numerous audiences.

We all are born into this world with different opportunities and different gifts. Now it is up to us to decide how and with what we will equip our minds. The tools are there; we need to go get them and use them!

We all make mistakes as we travel along lifes path. It is how we choose to move on after these mistakes that will make the difference in our lives forever. We can't look back or to the side, we must look forward with a new beginning and a new set of tools and experiences to make us better as we proceed.

We all want to be loved. Noone wants to be hurt. May God bestow upon us as much love as we are allowed and help take away any hurt that has happened.

Love with all your heart,


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