Thursday, August 27, 2009

It's a great day to be alive!!!

Hello from Arkansas!

I hope everyone is doing great! The weather is beautiful here in Little Rock and the weekend is almost here! We all need to sometimes take a breath, a step back and realize how lucky we are to have what we have in this great big world. I myself am to blame for taking things for granted. Everyday I am reminded how blessed I really am to have my family, friends and to be able to go to work and provide for my family. Let's all count our blessings!!! It's very easy to feel sorry for ourselves or think about what we don't have. My Dad says it best when he says, "Just when you think you have it bad, there is a whole lot of people who have it a lot worse." Working around the medical field for many years you come to appreciate how lucky you are to have your health and be living everyday. In just an instant, life can be taken away.

I am still nurturing my back and preparing for the Nebraska Marathon in just 4 short weeks. I did a little light cycling yesterday and lifted some weights. I pray that I will be back in tip top shape in no time. How lucky I am to have been able to run 11 marathons already. God has be very good to me. I thank God for all the blessings he has given me in my life and my health is certainly one of them.

My Mom always says if you make your bed you lie in it. So true, so true. We can blame the world or other people for our problems but we typically are the ones who create our own situation. Zig Ziglar I believe once said; "If you point your finger at someone, if you notice your hand, you have 3 additional fingers pointing right back at you." The message is clear....We try to blame others but it is 3 times more likely that the blame should fall right back on us. We are ultimately in control of our destiny in more cases than not. How do you want to live the remaining days of your life? The key is...we never know when our last day may be. Tim McGraw sings a song, "Live like you are dieing." Maybe we all should practice that a little more each day but keeping in mind we have to be responsible and also how we want the people left behind to view us when we're gone.

Treasure today and the people close to you! Don't take anything or anyone for granted!

Catch me if you can,


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