Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Don't Stop Running!

Hello Gals and Guys!

Everyday we are faced with challenges that can bring us down. Some of these are small, some of these are life changing. These challenges can sometimes alter the direction of our entire life. We must not give up!!! Ray Kroc; the founder of McDonald's, opened his first restaurant when he was 52 years old. My point; it's never to late to start over and you're never to old to accomplish great things!!!

Happiness. We all want to be happy, right? How do we measure happiness? Is it having a fulfilling career, having healthy children and watching them grow up? Is happiness being in love with someone and that person loving you back? Is happiness being financially comfortable and not having to want for anything? Being happy is defined differently for everyone. No matter how hard we try; we will never have EVERYTHING we want in life. There will always be hurdles and will always be challenges. When our journey ends here on earth, we can only wish to have spent as much time with the ones we love and have enjoyed as much as the world has to offer with these individuals. Life will throw you a curve ball. You may even get hit upside the head with a pitch. Don't stop going to the plate. You may even get traded to another team not by your choice. Eventually my friend; you will hit a home run!!!!

I am carbing up for a 5 mile run this evening. It has been a long day working and I don't really feel like running. I know if I get out there and start my run I will feel better that I did it. I will get rid of the days stress, and I will have a better outlook on the hurdles in my life no matter how big.

Don't stop running, not today, not any day. Life has a rewarding finishing line, don't give up no matter what hurdles are put in your way!

Love to all,

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