Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Surround yourself with good people!!!

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen!

I got up early this morning and headed to the gym. I only had to put in 4 miles today and thought I would do that while surrounded by other people exercising just like me. I am not sure why, but my lower back has been really hurting since my 18 mile run on Sunday. My 9 year old son Trent reminded me that I am getting older....:) God bless his honesty! Sometimes I enjoy going to the gym to help motivate me to exercise. It's like running a race; it's easier to do when there are people next to you doing the same thing. I am always amazed when I get to the gym at 6:00am and the parking lot is full. There are so many people who want to get that work-out in early and get there day off to a great start. When I enter the gym I am always greeted by a friendly "hello" and "have a great workout." I see people from all walks of life at the gym and all different shapes and sizes. I am inspired by the physically fit as well as the people who are doing everything they can to shed those extra pounds. All these people have chosen to put forth the effort to make their health and thus their life a little better. I have also found that people who exercise for the most part have a more positive outlook and are more goal oriented. Exercising is a choice and to do it consistently takes discipline and motivation. These qualities can assist you in everything you do in life. Keep up the good work if you're exercising regularly!!!! If your not exercising regularly, than try to make it a part of your day or your week. I once heard a Vice President at my company say that everyone has 24 hours in a day. You decide what kind of life you will live everyday. Make it a part of your life. If you start exercising it will become a good habit that you don't want to break and will drive you crazy in a good way if you for some reason can't make it happen regularly.

My daughter Katie started soccer practice last night. I can't believe that baseball is over and we are on to the fall sports already. Kids get so many opportunities for exercise and as long as it doesn't get in the way of school and they enjoy doing it, I will continue to support this healthy lifestyle. My son Trent will start soccer later this month. Let the games begin!!!!

Going to the gym you find good goal orientated, motivated people. Also, I have learned even just recently how important it is to surround yourself with good people. When I travel to my marathons I always seem to meet wonderful, positive, friendly people. My Mom always says, "one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch!" If you find yourself in a bad situation; do whatever it takes to get out of it. If you find yourself socializing with individuals you don't look up too; get away from them as fast as you can. I tell my kids to hang out with people that they feel are better than them and aspire to be as good as them. Don't hang out with people less than your standards so they make you feel like you are the best. Greatness can be addictive but hanging out with the wrong crowd can allow you to fall into bad habits before you know it. Just be aware that more often than not the choice is yours. Surround yourself with good people and you will live a good life!!!

Keep smiling and laughing and have a super fantastic day!!!


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