Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dream! Dream Big!!!

Hello Ladies and Gents,

Ran late tonight due to a busy day at work and at the doctor but got a 5 mile run in. I have had an X-Ray, MRI and physical therapy in the last two days. Tomorrow I go to the dentist. I am getting a body overhaul but I will be ready in 3 weeks to run 26.2 in Nebraska! I don't know about you, but if I have any ailments I am all about getting to the doctor and making sure they are well taken care of. I want to make sure my back is in tip top condition for my next run and thus the reason for all the doctors visits and imaging. It would be easy to shut 'er down and not run anymore but I am not giving up!!!

I did some some speaking the other night for some underprivileged kids in the inner city of St. Louis. Funny thing is these guys taught me more than I could teach them in a life time. They were energetic, great listeners, eager to learn and had lots of good answers and ideas. I was very impressed to say the least. These guys regardless their situation are not giving up on life and continue to dream big. This is the message that they so eloquently gave me as I interacted with them. They want the dream and are hungry to go after it! I hope I gave them a few tools that will help facilitate them not giving up and going after what they really want. Dreaming is important. Dreaming big is important! It is also necessary that we set short term realistic goals and continue to accomplish them one at a time. These realistic goals that we set and continue to accomplish are the real secret to success and to making our dreams come true!!! :)

Don't let anyone take away your dreams! Dont!!! Don't let them squish you with words, comments or actions. Remember; you are ultimately in control of your destiny. No one can get you down unless you let them and I personally am not letting them!!! We have to be strong to live strong! We must not be arrogant to achieve our goals but we have to sometimes be strong hearted and strong minded. If someone tries to tear you down; I say, "bring it on!"

Run hard, run long and run fast!

Catch me if you can,


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