Friday, September 11, 2009

"God is great, beer is good and people are crazy!"

Hello Earthlings!

Some of you are too young to remember the sitcom "Mork and Mindy." This was a show that Robin Williams starred in as someone from outer space who came to earth in an egg and had special powers. He used to say, "Hello Earthlings!." Special powers? Do you have any? I think we all have unique special powers. That uniqueness is our personality. We all are different: think different, act different and react to situations different. It is our personality that makes up a lot of who we are. We all have faults and we all make mistakes. We also have the ability to do good and give more than we take. I am trying to remind myself more of this everyday. To give!!!

I ran 5 miles last night when it was getting dark. It's crazy as a diabetic sometimes having to get my blood sugar up high enough to go for a run. I feel like the energizer bunny sometimes. Once I eat the right amount of food I am all wound up and then I need to go for a run!!! On my way home from my run it was very dark. I do have a fluorescent running vest I wear to make sure cars can see me in plenty of time before they get close. When I got back to my subdivision there was no traffic and at one point no street lights. There was about a 25 yard stretch where it was pitch black and I could see nothing! I trusted that the sidewalk I was running on was straight and that there was nothing laying in my path. It was really kind of weird. I remember thinking how there is so many times in our life that we need to have faith and trust in God or in other people. So many times in our life the path is taken away from us or we are misguided on the wrong path by some choices we make or some external forces that pull us in different directions. We as a society or sometimes to proud to ask for help or assistance. Sometimes we just are to afraid to make the hard decisions to do the right thing. I have seen a lot of people with addictions in my life. Maybe at one point in my life I had a few myself. The crazy thing about addictions is that there are things that make us feel like we are on top of the world but that are very bad for us. It's the very bad for us that we have a hard time realizing and that's why we can't stop. Sometimes addictions ruin peoples lives. Not just their lives but many of the people around them. Don't be afraid to ask for help and don't be afraid to pray!!!

There is a song by Matt Maher, "Jesus, my everything." I strongly recommend to listen to this song and turn the volume up loud. Even if you are not a spiritual person I am confident this song will speak to your soul. We all could use a lift from time to time and this song will LIFT you up! I believe in God and I certainly could use his hand to pull me along sometimes and also to lift me up when I am feeling down. I also could use his help to give me direction when I "can't see the path." Here is the link: If the link doesn't work, just google the title and the artist and I am sure you can find it. I promise this is the best medicine you can take today!!!

I have a 10 mile long run this weekend and then 2 more weeks until the Omaha Marathon! Go Corn Huskers!!! My younger brother Kyle will be running with me at this race. I know he has been training although he has been sandbagging and telling me he is not in good shape. We will see if the old bull or the young bull prevails in this race! :)

We all fall off of our "horse" in life from time to time. Don't be afraid to shake the dust off and get back on. Don't be afraid to ask for help to guide you down the right path!

Run strong, run long,


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