Monday, September 28, 2009

Love outrageously and live contageously

Hello guys and gals,

I am back from Nebraska and have chalked up another marathon to add to the list. My back gave me some problems so I didn't break any records but I crossed the finish line successfully!
Each race I do I think that maybe it will get easier. Well, I am here to tell you that each race is a whole new race. There is so many things that can happen to your body when you are out there for 5 hours.

The weather was awesome. 55 degrees at the start and about 80 at the finish. Omaha is a very little hidden secret to those who have never been there. My brother and I ate at an outside cafe called Vivace' Saturday night and it was very enjoyable. The pasta was exceptional and there were many people strolling the cobblestone streets that made "people watching" extraordinaire'. I would have no problem going back for a weekend trip to Omaha. Great Nebraska football and plenty of friendly people and good food. Myle Cyrus will be there for a concert in a couple weeks. Better not let my little girl get a hold of those details! :)

I do motivational speaking right? Right! But I will tell you when I finish the race I was very discouraged. My back was hurting a lot and the heat had taken its toll on me tremendously. I thought to myself. Maybe I wont run anymore. Maybe this is my last marathon. Then as I sat there a man and woman came over and sat down by me. The women was 72 and had just finished the race. The dry heat had taken a toll on her as well. As I started complaining to my new friend, the man told me that he had a disk replaced in his back and still ran 25 more marathons! He said he also has had his hip replaced and still manages to do 10k races. His wife who is 72 had run 39 marathons and only started in her mid 50's. Okay, okay, okay....My problems were now minimized to absolutely nothing. I have to deal with some back pain. So get over it Kurt and stop being a wimp! On to Chicago in two weeks for another! No more whining for me!

Every marathon teaches me something. Usually something about myself. I like to meet new people and I enjoy hearing their stories how they got into running and what inspires them to keep running more marathons. It is the way that it makes you feel!!! As difficult it is to push your body to go 26.2 miles, when it is all over you have an overwhelming sense of accomplishment and feeling of achievement. Every marathon I am humbled by the people around me. I meet some fantastic, goal-orientated people, but most of all they are very kind and willing to give a helping hand. We all share a common interest and know what each other goes through to get to, and finish a marathon. It is that kindred spirit that bonds us together almost instantaneously. I want to say thank you to the man and woman who sat down beside me at the race. They gave me more inspiration than 100 books I could have read on that very same day!

Givin' it all you got. Whether its running, swimming, dancing, being a good friend...Give it all you got! I am down to 1661 Saturdays. Yes, I threw my 1662nd marble away Saturday night. Time is going by and it is going by quicker than we think. I want to be able to climb mountains when I am 70 and run marathons when I am 70 also. Realistically, Mr. Time might have something to do with that. Go after your dreams today!!! Keep focused on what's important and don't let the doubters and disbelievers stand in your way. Here's a song I would like to share with you. Now all you who don't like country music please bare with me. It's the words of this song that are most important and not the beat or the tone... In this song by Tracy Adkins, "All I ask for anymore" really says it all as we get older and define what's the most important things in our lives. Cherish your family, that's what counts!

I look forward to running with all the 40,000 runners in Chicago. Prepare for anything. It could be 40 degrees or it could be 80 degrees!

Smile everyday the Lord gives you to smile!

Come run with me,


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