Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Rise like a phoenix!!!

I rose from the ashes!!! Hey folks! I'm back!! Sorry I been away for awhile... I took a little sabbatical but I am back and still on my mission to complete these 50 marathons in 50 states. I have successfully completed Chicago and will participate in Oklahoma in November and then off to Vegas baby in December!!!

I am loving the fall weather and it makes me really want to get out there and run. The weather has been gorgeous here in St. Louis. I bought some new sneaks and some new socks today and I am fired up and ready to finish out the year with a bang!

I have been practicing an attitude of gratitude. Whenever I am feeling down, I stop myself and immediately reflect on 5 things that I am grateful for. You see, if we realize all the wonderful things in our life and focus on what we have, we are not always trying to find things everyday that we don't have or that we wish we had. It is okay to set goals and to dream, just don't forget how blessed we are with the things already right in front of us.

"How high can you fly?", said the baby eagle to the master grandfather eagle? "As high as you want", said the master grandfather eagle. No one on this earth knows what we are capable of or how far we can stretch ourselves other than ourselves and God. Be all you desire. Don't let anyone dictate how high you can fly or how far you can run!!! You are the only one that can set limitations. Dare to dream, dare to push yourself to be above average.

Just another note; when you do something, make sure you start out doing it right. If you start off on the wrong foot, it will inevitably end up wrong. Take for example. If you cheat on a test in school; you will probably get caught, get a zero on your paper and fail the class. Nothing good can come out of starting out wrong. On the other hand, if you study hard for a while, take the test and feel good about it, get an A, you will pass the class with flying colors!!! I have come to know through much trial and error that it is always best to start out right. If you can't, then don't start!!!

I look forward to sharing many stories along my journey. I hope you will tune in from time to time to follow me on my adventure. It has been one heck of an adventure so far. I have learned many things already and I haven't even really got started. :)

Thank God for the blessings in your life. Don't be afraid to step out there and want more than other people want. Be true to yourself and be true to others!

Catch me if you can!


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