Saturday, October 31, 2009

Things that cost you nothing, you can never replace!

Happy Halloween all you ghost, goblins and can't forget the wicked witch of the West!

It is a beautiful day here in St. Louis. About 55 degrees and sunny. It should be a great night for trick or treating! I put 6 miles in this morning and have 15 on the schedule for tomorrow. I am gearing up for the Oklahoma Marathon here in a few short weeks. I love this time of year to run. Fall is definitely my favorite time of year. The temperature is perfect for running and I love to run with the leaves changing and also hearing them crunch under my feet!

Remember your hopes, dreams, love, family and friends. All these priceless possessions that mean so much to us. Treasure them, love them and hold on to them as long as you can. Don't take them for granted for one second. We are often distracted from these important things in our life but if we focus on them they will show us the way and bring us back to what's most important. A good friend of our family died this past week. His name was Denny. He was a very nice man, loving and always had a joke and a smile to share. I only saw him once every couple years but always enjoyed his company. When my Mom called and told me he had died it was very shocking. He had been battling cancer for several years. Some people you really enjoy you think they will always be there. That you will get to see them or visit them whenever you want. This really made me realize once again how short life really is and that we only get one chance to do it right and enjoy it for all it's worth. Be as happy as you can be and enjoy every second with the ones you love!

Tonight my son will be a hobo and my daughter a clown. I am looking forward to this Halloween because I am afraid there wont be to many more when both my son and daughter will want to dress up anymore for Halloween. Katie who is 11 is already spending most of the evening at a Halloween party with all of her girlfriends. Trent who is 9 is all about the candy and running with his buddy's as fast as he can from one house to the next to fill up their bag of candy. Daddy will score some Snickers bars from the kiddos. That's just one of the perks of being a Daddy!

I better get ready to scare the daylights out of some kids tonight. Not sure if I will where a costume or not. Never to old really to dress up. :) Carbing up for tomorrow's run. Can't stop running because that's just what I do. Have a goal of these crazy 50 states and I am not giving up until a doctor tells me I have to stop! Running makes me smile! :)

Love all you can. Be honest, be true and never give up on your dreams!

Catch me if you can,


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