Sunday, October 25, 2009

Share your talents and treasure your gifts!

Hello Guys and Gals,

I got 5 miles in yesterday and had my 10 mile run finished by 8:00am this morning. Even after 13 marathons I am still experimenting with my blood sugar. I have noticed the faster I run the more it accelerates my insulin in my body. Guess I will have to run slower or start eating more food before my run. :) That's what we call a win-win! :) !!!!

Yesterday was a busy Saturday. 1658 Saturdays left if I live until I am 75! :) Enjoy every one of them to the fullest! We went to Ulysses S. Grant Memorial for a Cub Scout outing that turned out to be very nice. We got to explore his old home and found out a lot of interesting facts about a very decorated war hero; not to mention our 18th President. If you ever get the chance to explore this memorial it is well worth the visit. Even an old guy like me can learn something new. We went from the Cub Scout outing to Ted Drewes(Missouri's most famous custard). I couldn't have picked a better spot myself. Even though I am a diabetic, I do let myself have a little ice cream now and then. Now you know the real reason I run!!! After Ted Drewes it was off to the pumkin patch to explore the corn maze, eat kettle corn, play on the playground equipment and of course pick out the larges pumpkin I have ever bought! After the pumpkin outing it was starting to get dark. We went by Jefferson Barracks Cemetery and saw over 30 deer roaming around in the park. The deer have become so tame that they almost walk right up to the car. I did notice someone throwing food out their window. The deer have a pretty good gig going there. It does make for some free entertainment for the kiddos!

Now when I say share your talent some people automatically think talent as in Lebron James or Tiger Woods. Doesn't have to be that at all. Reading to the elderly, talking to children about positive experiences you have had or even helping a neighbor to the store who needs a ride. We all have talents and gifts to share. Life is amazing that way. You can't give without getting so much in return. I myself need to practice that more often! It makes you feel so good I am not sure why we all don't do it more often. One of those things we need to schedule every week to do a good deed!

Keep running, keep laughing, keep giving and keep loving!!!

Catch me if you can,


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