Saturday, September 12, 2009

From this moment forward...

Happy Saturday Peoples!

We all have the ability to change our life or our situation. We have to make the decision, the commitment and then put it to action. It all starts today!!!!...From this moment forward... I will choose to be accountable for all of my actions. From this moment forward... I will choose to be a kinder, more gentle, compassionate person. From this moment forward... I will choose honesty, integrity and trust as traits that will not be compromised. From this moment forward ...I will rid my soul of jealously, bitterness, anger, rage and grudges. I will forgive others and stop waisting my life trying to get even. From this moment forward...I will live my life with more passion than ever before and go after what I want. From this moment forward...I will live a better life!!!

I ran 10 miles today and felt pretty good. I am a little off my schedule but hopefully will get back in the swing of things next week. The physical therapist I have been going to is working with me on some great stretches and also helping me with my running mechanics. I think both of these will pay huge dividends if I can be diligent in putting them into practice. Today I ate a late lunch because of some work that I had to do. I did not take any insulin purposely because I knew I would be running shortly there after. Your blood sugar should be between 80-120. When I started my run it was very high; 451! Ouch! Interestingly enough I took 2 units of insulin, had a PowerBar Gel Packet at mile 5(27carbs) and when I finish my run my blood sugar was 109. Perfect. It never ceases to amaze me what a roller coaster running and maintaining a good blood sugar seems to be. I have done a lot of running and just when I think I have it figured out, something crazy occurs that blows my entire system! I just keep, keepin' on!

Tonight I will join my cousins and my uncle for a bachelor party. My younger cousin Josh is getting married and I was cordially invited to the bachelor party. Now I will be almost twice the age of most of the guys going, but it should be great time. We are playing it safe by taking a bus out to the nightclubs and then we will all stay at a hotel at the end of the night when the bus brings us back. A song Toby Keith sings reminds me of tonight, "I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was." I'm headed out with my jeans and my boaconstrictor snake skin cowboy boots. We will definitely be kicking up some dust! I think it has been about 15 years since I was on a bachelor party! Guess I need to make up for lost time!!!!

Enjoy today, cherish tomorrow and look forward to the day after.

Love with all your heart. Be true to yourself and to others.


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