Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Permanent Purpose!

Good Day Boys and Girls!

What if we all went through life realizing and understanding that everything we do, every action we make, really matters. Would we live life more purposely? After a lot of reading and careful observation I have come to realize that this can make a huge impact on our lives. No matter how small or large the task, who we interact with, how much publicity we get, what the end result is; everything we do in this world matters...We can affect peoples lives, including our own, just by realizing that all of our actions and words really matter. This is why it is so important to be honest and trustworthy in every single thing we do. We can realize this more than anything when it comes to our children. They are so impressionable at an early age. It seems that every little thing we say or do they pick up on and in some way it affects their lives. If we want to know how we are acting, it is very easy; just look at our children! Not only does our actions and words have a permanent purpose on our children, but it also has an impact on people around us. If we lie or deceive someone, it may hurt that person for the rest of their lives. We should never take people for granted. People are real, have real feelings and have real hearts. Sometimes this is easier said than done, but try to keep in mind that every action really, really does matter.

I will run 5 miles this evening after dinner. I am starting my taper for the marathon in less than 2 weeks. I am getting butterfly's in my stomach not knowing how my back will do for the long 26.2 mile stretch. The course is many rolling hills but I will not have the elevation factor as I did in my last several marathons. Every marathon I am able to gain a little more experience and hopefully this will serve me well on the streets of Omaha, NE.

My daughter will have surgery on her nose on Friday. Please pray for her. She has been incredibley brave through this whole ordeal. She is stronger than me and teaches me something knew everyday about being a better person. I think God put her here to teach me instead of the other way around. Both of my kids are a huge part of my motivation and inspiration. How lucky we all are to have these little blessings in our lives.

Sometimes we wish for things that never come true. No matter how much we want them they were not meant to be. It's hard, it's tough, but somehow we will gain character and move on. Just remember how important it is to move forward in a positive direction. Life is tough! Be tougher!!!

Embrace life for it is so very short. Spend time with the ones you love and don't forget to tell them how special they are!

Be the best you can be. It's okay to fall off the proverbial "perfect" bull. None of us are perfect. Just try hard everyday to get back on and ride it for another 8 seconds!!!

Count your blessings for they are many.

Come run with me,

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