Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Be friends to your friends!

Hello Sports fans!

Six days away from the Omaha Marathon. I am getting excited and nervous all at the same time. I have my fingers crossed that my back will perform like a champion. I am looking at this race as just a warm up to the Chicago Marathon that will follow in just 3 short weeks. I have found that I am starting to enjoy my running more and all of my training when I know I have a race right around the corner. I just found out at church Sunday by talking to some friends afterwards that two men from my church will be going to the Vegas Marathon I have scheduled in December. Additionally, another guy I know whose son is on my son, Trent’s soccer team, will be running the Chicago Marathon. Just makes me what to break out in, “It’s a small world after all.” I have met some wonderful people along the road all because of running. Running a marathon is sometimes like a journey through life. I meet some great people along the way who I may never ever see or talk to again. I am starting to realize how important it is to make the most of every moment and appreciate every person I meet along the way. I have spoken with several people who I admire who have lived in many places all over the world. I have asked them how they do it? How do they live somewhere for a short time; meet some extraordinary people, make friends, put down some roots and then get up and move to a different country, state or city? There response is….Make the most of where you are and who your with at that moment in time. Hmmmm….I guess that’s what life is all about. As long as you have your family with you who loves you, the rest of your life and your travels is one fascinating adventure!

I read something the other day about the “100% Commitment Experiment.” If you are going to do something and set a goal you must give it nothing less than 100%. Not 98% or 99%, but 100%. Take marriage for example. If you only give it 99% then there is always that window to take the path of least resistance which could cause you to stumble and fall. Don’t give yourself an out; follow your problems to a solution because there is no other choice. Give it your best, give it your all. The same goes for your goals. If you really want to achieve something, you must not give yourself an out. Did you know that people who write down their goals are 75% more likely to achieve them? What a small little step that makes such a big difference. By writing your goals down it simply says that you are committed. It’s similar to telling someone your goals but even takes it a step further.

My daughter Katie had surgery on her fractured nose on Friday. She was incredibly brave. I am very proud of her how she handled the whole ordeal and came out of surgery with flying colors. On Sunday afternoon 3 girls in her class showed up with a huge colorful banner they made and 3 plates made of cookies, brownies and cakes. 10 girls from her class gathered at one of the girl’s houses on Friday and spent the whole evening baking and constructing the most beautiful GET WELL Card you ever wanted to see. As I sat there reading this card that was about half the size of the dining room table, I almost cried. I was so very proud of my daughter and the strong friendships she has built with her classmates that cared so very much. Isn't that what life is all about!!! Friends! We have always tried to teach our kids to be kind to everyone and to be genuine. I pray my children will always have many friends and will make good choices in finding ones that they can learn and grow from and will one day help them out in times of sorrow and need. I hope they equally return the favor.

I am on an airplane as I type headed to the beautiful state of California for work. I just finished playing catch with a 2 year old with his blanket. Lot’s of smiles and lots of laughs!!! Let’s all try to act like a 2 year old every now and then when life gets a little to serious!

Remember to succeed in life we must do things we sometimes don’t want to do. It is also equally important to smile, laugh and love as much as we can along the way. Self discipline I am told is the one thing we must have to become more successful than most. If I can only utilize all these gems I pick up along the way then maybe I too will reach my goals. I Guess I need to go write those goals down now!!!

Don’t lose your smile. If you have tucked it away for awhile it is time to get it back out and put it on. The world is counting on you to make it a better and brighter place!!!

Make the right choices even when it’s hard. Learn from your mistakes and pass the gifts you receive forward.

Come run with me,


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