Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Celebrate Today!

Hello Everyone!

Today I started off my morning with a 5 mile run. I was back at the house by 6:30am. I showered and dressed for work and was greeted by my family who had made me pancakes in the shape of the numbers 4 and 3 . Yes, today I am 43! Let's celebrate! My kids had made me wonderful cards and my wife had a card for me and also wrapped up was the jar I have been meaning to buy with 1664 marbles! If I live to 75, I have 1664 Saturdays to enjoy! Each Saturday I will throw away a marble to remind me how precious life really is and how quickly it goes by. I drove my kiddos to school along with 3 of there friends and they all sang Happy Birthday to me. What a wonderful way to start my day! As I started to think about this day I thought how we should cherish everyday as if it was just as special. My kids and I had the discussion at breakfast what would you do if today was your last day here on earth. I initiated the conversation not to be morbid but for all of us to realize how special each and everyday is for us on this earth. We should treat people with care, understanding, honesty and love. Treat everyone like it is there Birthday and you will get back more gifts then you could have ever dreamed!!!

I share a Birthday today with David Copperfield, Mickey Rourke, B.B. King and Michael Smith to name a few. Time has really flown by and I remind myself today that I need to live every moment to the fullest because you never know when the good Lord will call you to be with him. Treasure each day and treasure the friends, family and loved ones you have who make your life special.

My daughter Katie and my son Trent made me some very special Birthday cards today. On Katie's card she had drawn a big oak tree on the front of it. She had written the words, "You were born too make me stand tall , so...don't ever forget that you are loved by me!" "Dear Dad, I hope you will have a happy Birthday! If not well hopefully this will make you feel gree-at! I love you forever and always! XOXOXO Happy Birthday, Love KatieXOXOXO, P.S. Have a great day!" My son Trent had made me a card which he had drawn a picture of him and I standing under a rainbow with a sun over the top. In it he wrote Happy Birthday! It is your special day! He had another picture of me inside a big heart with many little hearts all around. He also wrote, "I hope you have the best B-day! , Love Trent." Now folks you can spend all the money in the world on presents, trips and fancy cards, but these two special gifts given to me are priceless and mean more to me than anything in the world. Hallmark couldn't come anywhere close to the special words my children have shared with me on this day!!!!

Thank you for allowing me to share my day with you! I hope all your days are special and I wish you a very happy day as well...Thank you for letting me share a piece of my world with you!

Enjoy today and make every day special!

Love with all your heart!

Keep running, keep laughing and keep loving!


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