Saturday, December 19, 2009

And when they placed it on his head, he begain to dance around!!!

Hello Everyone!

What if you had a magic hat like Frosty the Snowman? One wish, what would it be? It will soon be time to open presents from your friends and love ones. I hope everyone gets what they have been wishing for!!! What a wonderful time of year. The joy for me is watching little kids get SOOOO excited when they are opening presents. The shrieks, screams, squeals and yells that come out of those little bodies are simply amazing! Let's face it, most of us adults have everything we want and if we need something we go out and buy it throughout the year. It is certainly the thought that counts when your exchanging gifts amongst adults. The time, thought and just the gesture of giving to someone you care about. Alan Jackson sings a song and in it is some very beautiful words in a tribute to 9/11 when our country was attacked. If we all can remember this everyday; "Faith, hope and love are some good things he gave us, and the greatest is Love..." Yes Love. It is stronger, more powerful and more valuable than anything we could ever get or give in our life. Treasure it!!!

I ran 6 miles today and pumped some iron.. Tomorrow I run 9 miles. I am now 3 weeks away from the Walt Disney Marathon and starting to get excited about it already! This race will be fun because of where it is and the people and the crowd will all be in smiles with the atmosphere of Walt Disney and the characters. I want to be in great shape for this race so I can enjoy the full experience while I am there!

My daughter Katie had a basketball game this morning. She is a force! No matter who has the ball on the other team, Katie will take it away from them. Guess the time I spent in the basement with her beating her up really payed off! :) I am very proud of her. She is not the best dribbler or shooter, but her defense is second to none. As Vince Lombardi once said, "If you score you may win, but if your opponent never scores, you will not lose. Defense wins championships!"

I hope your Christmas week is filled with lots of smiles, laughter, love and some good homemade cookies with pecans!!!

Keep running, keep smiling!

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