Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Let's get Lucky in Vegas!!!

Hello Sports fan's,

How's everyone doing? I successfully completed the Oklahoma Marathon a week and a half ago and it certainly was eventful!!! On my way to Tulsa I was rear-ended by a semi. Yes, an 18 wheeler. I am very happy that I am typing this message because many people that have a run in(no pun intended):) with a semi; don't make it out safely to talk about it. Good news is, I am okay. Bad news is; my car looks like someone stepped on a aluminum can! I did finally make it to Tulsa, a little sore, but was able to run the marathon the next day. I met a lady who had been struck by lightning 3 months before while training in Colorado and this was her 2nd marathon since the incident. She still has tingling in her body and her legs were partially numb, but she continues to run. I also met a man who was running his 428th marathon. WOW!!! Isn't it amazing how so very quickly my little accident seems like such a minor thing and there is so much encouragement out there without having to look very far.

This weekend I travel to Vegas! Love that city! Lot's of things to do! Only bad story I ever heard that came out of Vegas is I once new a woman who got trapped at the pool at the Bellagio under a roof for 6 hours while it was raining and storming...I'm sure that will never happen again!!!

I am looking forward to running the Vegas Marathon. This is their inaugural Rock and Roll Marathon so it should be a blow-out! This will also be my last marathon of the year. This will be my 15th marathon and my 14th state. I have been very fortunate this year to have run 7 marathons, counting this weekend, without injury. I thank God for his blessings he has bestowed upon me. I also thank my family who has given me the support and encouragement and patience throughout this year. It truly makes a world of difference when you have such incredible support at home.

The holidays are upon us and I am blessed to have children to share them with. My son, Trent, asked the other day how well Mom and Dad actually new Santa Claus? The response, "We know him better than you think." "We do have his phone number on the rare occasion we need to talk to him." :) I hope your holidays are blessed with love and laughter!!!

Maybe, just maybe, I can pull off a PR in Vegas! That would be a nice way to end the year. I look forward to reporting back...

Come run with me...


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