Monday, December 14, 2009

You are very Special!!!

Season's Greetings and Yuletide Joy!

Have you ever heard the saying, "you may be one person to the world, but you never know when you might end up being "The World To One Person!" I guess it inevitably goes back to the golden rule; do unto others as you would have them do unto you! So many times in our life we come in contact with people. Some of these moments are brief and some are for an extended period of time. We never know how we will touch that individual. If we start everyday out and every situation out by doing the right thing, we will hopefully leave a very positive and memorable interaction behind. I guess I learned this many years ago in the world of sales. I called on many people in a day and thought it was no big deal. Then I started to realize when I would get orders or phone calls back from people what a difference I could really make. You see; some of these people I would meet with may only be visiting with me that day. Even if I was out seeing 20 people that day, that one person I met with at 8:00 in the morning was as significant as the one that I met with at 4:30pm. Message: Make every interaction with someone you meet a positive one. We all want the same thing: success, peace, happiness, customer service and love. Now we don't always give these things, but rest assured that is what we all want at the end of the day.

Yesterday I ran 9 miles and will run 3 tomorrow! Today is my day off! Yippee!!! I am going to try and be very disciplined in my training before the Walt Disney Marathon. I can't afford to be out of shape to run a half marathon and a full marathon back to back. My goal is going to be to run faster, be smarter, choose more carefully, trust and be trusted and love lots in 2010!

Remember as you are doing your Christmas shopping; the greatest gift of all is peace, hope, love and joy!!!

Off and running!!!

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