Monday, December 21, 2009

Can you still hear the bell ring?

Happy Holidays! Happy Holidays! Happy Holidays! Sorry, I almost got caught up in a Christmas Carol! :)

In the movie the Polar Express, the people who believe in Christmas; the true meaning of Christmas, can still hear the reindeer bell that appears several times throughout the movie. Now you may not believe in flying reindeer or Santa coming down your chimney, but if you open your heart to the true meaning of Christmas, you will be fortunate to hear and see all the wonderful things that Christmas has to offer. The kindness, joy, love, consideration, compassion and worship that all is part of this wonderful season. Sometimes we all slip into a little Scrooge mode when something doesn't go quite our way. This Christmas I promise you if you open your heart to peace, love, honesty and kindness, you will find more enjoyment out of this holiday then you ever could have imagined. Open your heart to goodness!

Today was my day off from running but I did hit the weight room and worked on building that core. :) My brother Kyle who I run with a lot is coming in for the holidays. We usually get a run or two in while he is home. I can't let the little bro show me up! :) Three more weeks til the Disney Marathon. Sometimes the winter months can make it hard to train. It feels better to snuggle in a warm blanket with a bowl of popcorn and a good movie. Trust me, there is always time for that after you spend an hour or so a day doing your training. Here's a quote by an Olympian Emil Zatopek, "If one can stick to the training throughout the many long years, then willpower is no longer a problem. It's raining? That doesn't matter. I am tired? That's besides the point. It's simply that I just have to." Discipline is what builds champions. We don't have to all be Olympians, but if we want to reach our goals or achieve something great, we must do things; yes, even when we don't want to or it's not convenient.

Enjoy the holiday and especially the time with family and friends. No price tag can replace family and friends. I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and I hope that reindeer bell rings for you!!!

Run in the sun, the snow, the rain or even on the treadmill! :) Just run!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

And when they placed it on his head, he begain to dance around!!!

Hello Everyone!

What if you had a magic hat like Frosty the Snowman? One wish, what would it be? It will soon be time to open presents from your friends and love ones. I hope everyone gets what they have been wishing for!!! What a wonderful time of year. The joy for me is watching little kids get SOOOO excited when they are opening presents. The shrieks, screams, squeals and yells that come out of those little bodies are simply amazing! Let's face it, most of us adults have everything we want and if we need something we go out and buy it throughout the year. It is certainly the thought that counts when your exchanging gifts amongst adults. The time, thought and just the gesture of giving to someone you care about. Alan Jackson sings a song and in it is some very beautiful words in a tribute to 9/11 when our country was attacked. If we all can remember this everyday; "Faith, hope and love are some good things he gave us, and the greatest is Love..." Yes Love. It is stronger, more powerful and more valuable than anything we could ever get or give in our life. Treasure it!!!

I ran 6 miles today and pumped some iron.. Tomorrow I run 9 miles. I am now 3 weeks away from the Walt Disney Marathon and starting to get excited about it already! This race will be fun because of where it is and the people and the crowd will all be in smiles with the atmosphere of Walt Disney and the characters. I want to be in great shape for this race so I can enjoy the full experience while I am there!

My daughter Katie had a basketball game this morning. She is a force! No matter who has the ball on the other team, Katie will take it away from them. Guess the time I spent in the basement with her beating her up really payed off! :) I am very proud of her. She is not the best dribbler or shooter, but her defense is second to none. As Vince Lombardi once said, "If you score you may win, but if your opponent never scores, you will not lose. Defense wins championships!"

I hope your Christmas week is filled with lots of smiles, laughter, love and some good homemade cookies with pecans!!!

Keep running, keep smiling!

Monday, December 14, 2009

You are very Special!!!

Season's Greetings and Yuletide Joy!

Have you ever heard the saying, "you may be one person to the world, but you never know when you might end up being "The World To One Person!" I guess it inevitably goes back to the golden rule; do unto others as you would have them do unto you! So many times in our life we come in contact with people. Some of these moments are brief and some are for an extended period of time. We never know how we will touch that individual. If we start everyday out and every situation out by doing the right thing, we will hopefully leave a very positive and memorable interaction behind. I guess I learned this many years ago in the world of sales. I called on many people in a day and thought it was no big deal. Then I started to realize when I would get orders or phone calls back from people what a difference I could really make. You see; some of these people I would meet with may only be visiting with me that day. Even if I was out seeing 20 people that day, that one person I met with at 8:00 in the morning was as significant as the one that I met with at 4:30pm. Message: Make every interaction with someone you meet a positive one. We all want the same thing: success, peace, happiness, customer service and love. Now we don't always give these things, but rest assured that is what we all want at the end of the day.

Yesterday I ran 9 miles and will run 3 tomorrow! Today is my day off! Yippee!!! I am going to try and be very disciplined in my training before the Walt Disney Marathon. I can't afford to be out of shape to run a half marathon and a full marathon back to back. My goal is going to be to run faster, be smarter, choose more carefully, trust and be trusted and love lots in 2010!

Remember as you are doing your Christmas shopping; the greatest gift of all is peace, hope, love and joy!!!

Off and running!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

We all have our own very special song!

Hello Everyone,

Just got back from Vegas and I am happy to report I successfully finished my 15 marathon and my 14th state marathon!!! The Vegas crowd was incredible. There were over 27,000 runners who participated in this year's inaugural Rock n' Roll Marathon and everything lived up to my expectations. Cher started the race off with the National Anthem and away we went down the Vegas Strip. The awesome part about marathon running is there are cities in which you will run down streets which the average person will never ever have the opportunity to run. Never have they closed off the Vegas Strip until this event. The participants made it entertaining as well. Many people dressed in Elvis costumes and even one couple got married right before the run on the Vegas Strip.

The weather was a bit chilly starting out. Somewhere in the low to mid 30's. I was prepared for the weather with my "throw away" sweatshirt and sweats, so it did not prove to be a problem. When I saw one man running in a speedo with nothing else on, I all of a sudden felt much warmer. :) The bands along the run made for some great entertainment and the crowd of people cheering helped keep me motivated. Anytime you have over 20,000 runners, you are motivated just by the people running beside you. My brother Kyle and I ran about half of the race together and then his pace was too fast for me to continue running with him. About mile 22 I passed Kyle and was able to cross the finish line before he could catch me again! :) Something about beating your younger, more athletic brother that just sits well with you for the rest of the day!

I have many songs that I have loaded on my iPod. Every song that comes on I try to relate it to my life and in some way try to let it motivate me or inspire me to run harder and continue on. I have been looking for that perfect song to some up the past year, 2 years or even the past 43 years of my life. I now have come to the realization that that song isn't out there. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of awesome songs that I can relate to and many that motivate me; but no song is "just right" for me. I say this because like each one of our lives, every single one of us have a different story, a different path we have taken. We are not born winners or losers. We are all born "Choosers!". It's the choices we make that determine how we live our life. We sometimes learn by other people, we sometimes learn by things we see or read and fortunately or unfortunately we sometimes learn by our own life experiences. Each of our lives are as unique as our own DNA or our own fingerprint. We all have our own unique special song that tells our past, current and future life story. It is up to us to make it the best song we can!!!!

I look very forward to running the Walt Disney Marathon in January. The Goofy challenge will be something that will be an athletic, endurance test for me. I will run a half marathon on Saturday followed up by a full marathon on Sunday. I will get it done!!! I am learning very quickly to respect one of the quotes that I use often; "Hard training, easy combat; easy training, hard combat." I meet many people along my marathon travels. People who do Ultra Marathons of 100 to 150 miles in one day. People who have done several complete Ironman Events. It is simply amazing what we can train the body to do. How do you want to live your life. How do you want your body to be conditioned; and also, how much time can you dedicate to training? Some how we fit in and make the sacrifices to do what is important to us. Anthony Robbins always says that we will change our behavior for two reasons. Pain or Pleasure. Which ever of these because stronger in a certain scenario, we will make the change for that reason. If something becomes so unbearable we can't stand it any longer, we will make a change to do something different. If you stick your finger close to a fire, you pull it away very quickly. This also relates to addiction unfortunately. If something is giving us so much pleasure, we sometime find ourselves not able to let go because it in our minds is giving us happiness. Sometimes we continue to do things that are not healthy choices becomes we deem them as giving us pleasure. This is where being strong, disciplined and making the right choices comes in to play. No, sometimes its not easy and we make mistakes. It's okay to fall down, we just need to know how to get back up, shake off the dust and move on in the right direction.

Get the very most out of each and every day. It is the compilation of all these days put together that will make up your wonderful life!

I pray that each and everyone of you create that wonderful special song called your LIFE! It's important to make it as good as it can sound so when we play it back at the end of our time it will make us smile and also motivate and inspire the people left behind.

Run, run as fast, far and as frequent as you can!

Come run with me,


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Let's get Lucky in Vegas!!!

Hello Sports fan's,

How's everyone doing? I successfully completed the Oklahoma Marathon a week and a half ago and it certainly was eventful!!! On my way to Tulsa I was rear-ended by a semi. Yes, an 18 wheeler. I am very happy that I am typing this message because many people that have a run in(no pun intended):) with a semi; don't make it out safely to talk about it. Good news is, I am okay. Bad news is; my car looks like someone stepped on a aluminum can! I did finally make it to Tulsa, a little sore, but was able to run the marathon the next day. I met a lady who had been struck by lightning 3 months before while training in Colorado and this was her 2nd marathon since the incident. She still has tingling in her body and her legs were partially numb, but she continues to run. I also met a man who was running his 428th marathon. WOW!!! Isn't it amazing how so very quickly my little accident seems like such a minor thing and there is so much encouragement out there without having to look very far.

This weekend I travel to Vegas! Love that city! Lot's of things to do! Only bad story I ever heard that came out of Vegas is I once new a woman who got trapped at the pool at the Bellagio under a roof for 6 hours while it was raining and storming...I'm sure that will never happen again!!!

I am looking forward to running the Vegas Marathon. This is their inaugural Rock and Roll Marathon so it should be a blow-out! This will also be my last marathon of the year. This will be my 15th marathon and my 14th state. I have been very fortunate this year to have run 7 marathons, counting this weekend, without injury. I thank God for his blessings he has bestowed upon me. I also thank my family who has given me the support and encouragement and patience throughout this year. It truly makes a world of difference when you have such incredible support at home.

The holidays are upon us and I am blessed to have children to share them with. My son, Trent, asked the other day how well Mom and Dad actually new Santa Claus? The response, "We know him better than you think." "We do have his phone number on the rare occasion we need to talk to him." :) I hope your holidays are blessed with love and laughter!!!

Maybe, just maybe, I can pull off a PR in Vegas! That would be a nice way to end the year. I look forward to reporting back...

Come run with me...